Beth A. Weiskircher Memorial Scholarship

Beth Weiskircher taught early learning, kindergarten, and jump start at Ekstrand from 1976 until
her retirement in 2010 – 33 years of story time, shapes and colors, cheerful bulletin boards, lesson
plans, recess duty, warm hugs, and chicken patties on school-made buns. She wiped tears and
runny noses, wrangled snow boots and mittens, championed childhood literacy, and steadfastly
believed every one of her students was uniquely gifted. She taught humor and hope along with
reading and math. To Beth, learning was a lifelong pursuit, and teaching was her greatest act of
optimism. She showed her students where to look but never told them what to see.

Beth was a fierce advocate for access to education, and her legacy is the children who love to read
because she put books in their hands. To honor Beth’s memory, the Beth A. Weiskircher Memorial
Scholarship is awarded annually to a Central DeWitt High School graduating senior who intends to
pursue a career in education

Online Scholarship Application Form