Doris Gerdes (1930 – 2014)
Supporting the Central Community School District was always an important aspect of their lives, and they valued a well-rounded education which included participation in the fine arts programs and extra-curricular activities. They supported their boys’ education as well as their involvement in sports, choir, art, band and school musicals over the years. They were supporters of the The Education Foundation of Central DeWitt, often attending the Homecoming week breakfasts. Even years after their children graduated from CCHS, Fred would talk about how he enjoyed hearing the Chamber Singers perform for the Noon Lions during Christmas time.
The Gerdes’ four boys, Kenneth (1969), Douglas (1971), Roger (1974) and Paul (1976) graduated from Central Community High School. Three grandchildren are also CCHS graduates.
This endowment benefits projects to support the fine arts programs.